Wednesday, May 25, 2011


A few weeks ago, I went to the hospital maternity to visit Anna, my best friend's newborn baby.
I just took my K5 mounted with a FA 50mm f/1.4.  Simple, light and nice for baby portraits (and more).  Furthermore, it allows for some nice depth of field control as well as very low light shooting when you don't want to mess around with a flash which is pretty much always my case.  I guess I should get into flash photography sometimes soon ;) I've been thinking about getting a basic strobist kit for some time now, but I still haven't really had time to really look into it.  Oh well, I'll keep this matter for another post!

I'm quite pleased by the results, although some shots are not perfectly in focus.  The bokeh of the FA 50 is quite pleasant overall.  From f/2 and up it's actually sharp enough for most applications.

1. Dreaming.
50mm f/2, ISO 1250

2. At Peace.
50mm f/2.2, ISO 800

3. Tiny Fingers.
50mm f/2.2, ISO 640

4. And the Show Begins.
50mm f/2.2, ISO 1000

5. Blue Eyes
50mm f/2, ISO 2500

This last shot is of her big sister who's got such beautiful eyes that they HAD to be captured! ;)

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